Ch Elexa’s Final Flair of Selena  X Amulet's Amanda of Sno-Glenn )

Fawn male   Whelped 2/10/80

"LUKA" is the 5th fawn to finish his Championship, the youngest fawn Champion, and the first fawn in the DPCA Top Twenty.  He is a multiple Best of Breed winner, 1st fawn to receive an Award of Merit for Superior Quality at the Doberman Pinscher Club of America, has multiple group placements and is the sire of 9 Champions.  He is the grandsire of the top working dog of all time, Ch Brunswig’s Cryptonite.  He has Best in Show, Best in Show Specialty and Top Twenty winning get.

"LUKA" is the foundation of Dabney Dobermans.

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Pictured with Don Simmons